21 Jun Guide to starting the conversation about divorce
If you are in a loveless and miserable marriage, you might consider divorce to regain happiness.
While the divorce process has complexities that might put you off the topic, you can get past the challenges you fear and have a successful divorce.
However, you must know how to communicate about the divorce and what to expect after the conversations.
Below are some tips for telling your spouse you want a divorce.
Be Sure
Since telling your spouse you want a divorce can hurt their feelings, only share thoughts about divorce after giving it some thought. Never tell your spouse you want to divorce them unless you are sure you no longer want to be in that marriage.
Some issues that could have made you think about divorce might only need serious talk with your spouse to fix.
Research About the Divorce Process
Since you don’t know how your spouse will react, anticipate some of the possible outcomes. You can only know what to expect by researching how divorce works.
Some aspects to consider when researching divorce laws include:
Child custody
Property division
Spousal support
Child support
Plan the Ground
Due to the nature of the discussion, you should choose the appropriate time and place. The perfect venue for such a conversation is a quiet and private place. Ensure that both of you have enough time for a deep conversation.
If you expect that your spouse might show anger or start an argument, seek the support of a friend or a counsellor.
Avoid Talking About Divorce During an Argument
While arguments are common in a dysfunctional marriage, never threaten your partner with a divorce. As mentioned above, you should only mention a divorce when you are sure about it.
If you always issue divorce threats during arguments, your husband or wife may not take it seriously when you mean it. Such threats can also affect your marriage, even if you do not mean it.
Make Yourself Understood
Choosing the best words for your divorce message takes work, but you must ensure that your spouse takes it seriously. Explain why you have decided to divorce and let your spouse respond.
Your partner may take longer to recover from the shock, but don’t stay long without discussing the way forward.
If this article has inspired you to think about your own unique situation and, more importantly, what you and your family are going through right now, please contact your advice professional.
This information does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.
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