11 May A generational plan for aged care
The Australian Government is investing $17.7 billion into an aged care reform package. These measures will produce a once in a generation reform of aged care, providing respect, care and dignity to our senior Australians.
Aged care that puts senior Australians’ needs first
The Australian Government is building an aged care system that provides high quality and safe care for senior Australians. This is in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s final report.
These reforms will create an aged care sector that:
is simpler to navigate, with face-to-face services to find care
empowers senior Australians to make informed choices
is strongly regulated
is more transparent
makes sure providers are accountable.
values and grows the aged care workforce.
The government’s reforms will improve residential aged care with fairer funding that will give better support for:
senior Australians in rural, regional and remote areas
First Nations people
vulnerable senior Australians.
Aged care reform at a glance
The government’s aged care reform plan is focused around 5 pillars:
Home care – supporting senior Australians who choose to remain in their own home
Residential aged care services and sustainability – improving and simplifying residential aged care services and access
Residential aged care quality and safety – improving residential aged care quality and safety
Workforce – supporting and growing a better skilled care workforce
Governance – new legislation and stronger governance.
The Australian Government will apply these initiatives over 5 years:
40,000 more home care packages released.
325 Services Australia centres to provide assistance and information about aged care services.
Aged care specialists in 70 Service Australia centres.
Extra support for informal carers.
Supplement of $10 per resident per day.
Homeless and viability supplements continued increase.
New monitoring, compliance and intervention to help providers build financial sustainability, capability and resilience.
Improvements to dementia, diversity, food and nutrition services.
Stronger clinical care standards.
Up to 120,000 more GP in-reach services for aged care residents.
Increase dementia care capability and training.
Palliative care services expanded.
Up to 6,000 new personal care workers.
Surge workforce increase in regional and rural locations.
Initial rollout of expanded regional network.
Establish a Council of Elders and National Aged Care Advisory Council.
Another 40,000 home care packages released.
8,400 more respite services available.
Single assessment workforce introduced.
Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model begun.
Average care minutes increased to 200 minutes per day, including 40 minutes of registered nurse time and 16 hours per day on site.
Structural Adjustment Program to increase provider viability.
Better reporting for comparison between services (star rating).
Primary Health Network (PHN)-led telehealth and out-of-hours services.
Expanded Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)
1,500 more Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission site audits.
Up to 7,000 new personal care workers.
33,800 additional training places rolled out.
Registered nurse incentive and financial support schemes.
500 Community Care Finders to give specialised support for accessing aged care services.
New support at home program.
Mandatory minimum care times.
Review of Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
New Independent Hospital and Aged Care Pricing Authority.
New Aged Care Act.
Residential care places allocated directly to senior Australians.
Residential Aged Care Accommodation Framework to improve accessibility and dementia-friendly design.
National Aged Care Data Strategy available.
Continued growth of aged care workforce.
Improved service sustainability that ensures Senior Australian’s care needs are met.
Improved aged care workforce staff levels, skill mix and training.
Strong and effective governance of aged care in place.
Partnerships to deliver successful aged care reforms
The Australian Government will deliver these reforms by working with:
senior Australians, their families, friends and carers
the aged care industry and stakeholders
state and territory governments
aged care providers.
Department of Health
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